Gaia Project Stats
Auto-updating summary statistics for all Gaia Project games.
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Games Parsed (Valid & Completed):
Auto-updating summary statistics for all Gaia Project games.
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Games Parsed (Valid & Completed):
This account should now receive text reminders. Please be advised that providers have various, changing, and sometimes unpredictable spam filtration policies. Consequently, some/all messages may be blocked/delayed for you. Feel free to message with your info if this happens, and I will try to resolve.
Something went wrong when removing your number. Please wait a bit / make sure your info is correct, and try again. Please message with your info if this happens, and I will manually remove you.
This account should be removed from the text list. Please message with your details if you are still receiving texts. This can happen because of provider delays, but I will make sure you are removed manually.
Something went wrong when adding your number. Please wait a bit and try again. Feel free to message with your info if this happens, and I will try to resolve.